Monday, December 25, 2017

newspaper art ideas

newspaper art ideas
If you Have a stack of newspapers that you want to recycle and repurpose? We have 30 awesome DIY projects that you can create!

newspapers are exclusively online now (which is way better for the environment), but I know quite a bit of people who still receive newspapers. You can of course recycle newspapers in your recycling bin, but every now and then, there are DIY projects using newspaper that catch my eye! I love the black and white text, the colorful comic section, and the grey, vintage-looking paper — great combinations for projects if you ask me! Here are 30 of my favorite newspaper projects that I’ve found around the wonderful web:

The most obvious use for newspaper, is to use it for paper mache, but the ideas here today are more about newspaper in it’s natural state… so if you do not like papier mache.. do not fear….. these are all “normal” newspaper craft ideas (apart from a couple of papier mache ideas I popped at the bottom of the post!). 

Also, newspapers are DIFFERENT to book page crafts , as book pages are usually more durable and easier to craft with. Many crafts on the internet are meant for book pages and not newspapers specifically, but as we don’t all have “old books” to use for crafting, I think newspaper are far more suitable!

newspaper art ideas

newspaper art ideas

newspaper art ideas

newspaper art ideas

newspaper art ideas

newspaper art ideas

newspaper art ideas

newspaper art ideas

newspaper art ideas

newspaper art ideas

newspaper art ideas

newspaper art ideas

newspaper art ideas

newspaper art ideas

newspaper art ideas

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